Thursday 6 September 2012

"North East is calling"

"Zig zag flowing of TISTA thrills me"

"Pinky pinky what is your color"

"I want to grow......... out of a bud...............into the beautiful flower"

"Green is the color of life"

"Different shades of nature always inspire life"

" I love my freedom of flowing through difficulties"

"I come here for serene peace and tranquility"

"Sky is the limit to my dreams"

"When I look up...............all I can see blue and white.................and when I look is all green"

" I want to feel the white cushion of clouds"

" Dark clouds of uncertainty will go and a ray of sunshine will bring smile"

"I am jealous of can you fly on your will in this open sky without any boundaries"

"Let me pause for a second"

" Everyday is adventurous in the mountains"

"Some times your hug protects me"

"It is the game of hide and seek between clouds and mountains"

"I never imagined that............I will flow endlessly into the arms of ocean"

"Flowing through rocks make me hard"

"I don't know how far I have walked but I won't stop trying till I reach my destiny"

" My echo is the reflection of myself"

"I know the journey is tough through mountains..............but I have kept my fingers crossed"

"Hey Tista.....let me come with you........I want to see the wonders of nature"

" Doing nothing and Being still are two different things"